My name is Lakshina Bajracharya and my LEAD Course journey started on the fine morning of 21st July 2020. A message popped up that read: 2020 LEAD Course applications are now open! 

The course looked like an amazing opportunity but after understanding that we had to  give 350+ hours for the program I was a little skeptical. Regardless of my hesitation, I wanted to see if this program would be a life-changing experience, after all you’re always one decision away from a different life. And believe me, the LEAD Course has been the best adventure that I have started that helped me grow in many dimensions. 

After filling the form, getting  interviewed, and finally getting the confirmation call; I was in! I started with the two-week long Leadership Institute which was a crash-course in good leadership that was both informative and engaging. I understood first and foremost that knowing what followership is monumental in becoming a good leader; that listening is so much more important than speaking, and power does not only mean physical power but other forms of power like physical, mental, emotional, social, and interpersonal are also equally important. I also learned that the world is more beautiful when all genders are accepted, understood, and empowered. I also learned to be more accepting of different body types, measuring health not through the lens of waistlines or muscles.

Understanding all of these new concepts, I undertook the next leg of the program which was the School Leadership Program (SLP). The SLP was intensive, transformative, and life-changing. I had to apply everything I learned in the Leadership Institute  in real life. I approached a school, spoke to the principal, teachers and students, and facilitated sessions where I taught my students the concepts I’d learned at the Leadership Institute. Looking past the initial awkwardness, confusion and mistakes, watching my students grow, open up, build networks and walk their own path to leadership during their graduation has been a very fulfilling experience for me. The mistakes I made during my implementation of the SLP helped me learn and grow in my own leadership experience as well–all of which helped me understand how I work under stress but most importantly I learned to believe in myself and trust my personal process.

I learned creative problem solving through problem specification, root cause analysis, stakeholder sensemaking, and collaborative ideation during the Advocacy Week, and about designing a good resume, and giving good interviews  during the Professional Development Week. 

But at the core of all of these skills, I understood the importance of teamwork and the secret to good teamwork is having an outward mindset. To develop an outward mindset I had to see beyond myself and to be a team player thanks to My Emotions Matter.

The LEAD Course journey is not a solitary one, however, and we were paired with a mentor and a co-LEADer who walk and help you through your journey; making what feels like an impossibility an adventure with awesome new friends. I met many inspirational people along this journey who helped me dream big and work harder to achieve them. I was around good energy, connected with people, learned new things and grew so much during the LEAD Course. Apply to the LEAD Course because in the end, you will only thank yourself for taking this decision.

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