“Women LEAD’s vision is of a better world where women leaders co-create the future.”

Our Mission

To provide young women in Nepal with the skills, support and opportunities to become leaders and change makers in their schools, communities, nation, and world.

Our Approach

We believe that the full participation of women is crucial to create peaceful and inclusive societies. We are:

  • Youth-driven, youth-led and gender inclusive.
  • Locally accountable and sustainable.
  • A learning organization; constantly reflecting and growing.

Why We’re Different?

Women LEAD is one of the first organizations in Nepal specifically focused on empowering adolescent girls to be leaders. Our programs have a multiplier effect and not only transform the lives of our participants, but also impact other young women in their schools and communities. Our model is innovative because:

  • We are peer-led and focus on creativity, unlike the traditional Nepali rote style of learning.
  • We intensely invest in a selective group of young women over time, ensuring permanent and sustainable change.
  • We address the critical gap in services navigating the transition between secondary education and adult professional success.
  • We are gender inclusive: we believe that boys can help change their peers’ attitudes and perceptions of gender. Our School Leadership Program includes boys so that they can dialogue on gender issues and learn to work with and support female leaders.
*Note: Women LEAD is a non-political, non-religious organization. “Women LEAD Nepal” is a legally registered NGO in Nepal and “Women LEAD” has 501c3 status in the US.