Celebrating, recognizing, and supporting girls’ leadership has a positive social impact. It helps to change the societal perception that girls are equally capable and competent in leadership positions. It also helps in promoting gender equality, which gives a message that leadership qualities are not only to a particular gender.

Srija Dhaulakoti

Our communities are still male-dominant and patriarchal. Girls are deprived of their rights and made to take a backseat in leading, organizing, and decision-making. We should celebrate girls' leadership to give motivation, empowerment, and encouragement to girls so that it will help them raise a voice for their rights.

Leeja Tamang

Celebrating and supporting girls’ leadership is crucial for fostering equality. It empowers girls to realize their full potential. Recognizing girls’ leadership helps girls to break free from limiting stereotypes, paving the way for diverse perspectives.

Sakina Maharjan