• Working Hours: 1 year
  • Deadline: 27 August, 2024 (Tuesday)

The LEAD Course (September 2023 – June 2024) 

Women LEAD Nepal’s year-long, after-school LEAD Course provides an intensive experience based on practical, hands-on learning and personal growth. In the LEAD Course, young women explore their own identities as leaders and change makers. The course starts with a two-week Leadership Institute (16-29 September) focused on developing professional skills like public speaking and learning about Nepal’s most pressing issues. After the Institute, each participant invests 300+ hours creating change as she co-leads the School Leadership Program while receiving one-on-one mentoring, guidance and professional opportunities. 

Program Capacity: 30 seats
Program Duration: 1 year

Fee: Rs 9,000/-The fee covers all course materials, unlimited access to our resource center, a certificate, free lunches and exclusive access to WLEAD events. 

DO NOT let financial concerns stop you from applying—there are partial and full scholarships available to everyone who needs financial assistance. We are committed to accepting the best applicants, regardless of their financial situation. Scholarship forms will be given out after being selected for the interviews.


The course starts with a Leadership Institute  where the LEADers gain knowledge on issues such as women’s rights, how to be a leader, how to communicate better, time management skills as well as develop professional skills like public speaking, among others. The facilitators for the sessions are Nepali leaders and experts on everything from the media to politics to business. The Institute includes workshops, simulations, group activities, discussions, role-plays, media, and daily reflections. LEADers have the opportunity to meet and learn from amazing peers and accomplished leaders.

After the Leadership Institute, LEADers receive one-on-one mentoring with our alumni then they put their new skills and knowledge into practice for four months by executing the School Leadership Program (SLP) during which each participant invests  300+ hours creating change as they co-LEAD a four-month ‘pay it forward’ initiative by taking the knowledge and skills they learned and empowering other young people in co-ed workshops in numerous public and private schools around Kathmandu.

The participants visit governmental bodies around the city to understand effective governance and accountability.

After a successful implementation of the SLP, participants engage
in a week long training on advocacy followed by formulation and execution  advocacy projects based on current social issues.

Another two-week long workshop focused on
professional development skills curated with a multi-disciplinary approach that imparts essential skills needed for success as professional leaders.

The program ends in June with a graduation ceremony.


This is an equal opportunity program—young women from all castes, ethnicities, backgrounds, religions, abilities and sexual orientations are encouraged to apply. The basic eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Young women entering Class 12;
  • Able to attend LEAD Course programs in person from 1PM to 5PM on weekdays
  • Commit to fully participate in all aspects of the LEAD Course for the entire year: the two-week Leadership Institute and around 8-10 hours per week in leadership training, professional development and mentoring during the rest of the year—300+ hours in total.


  • Privilege and Bias
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Gender Stereotypes and Misrepresentation
  • Gender-Based Violence and Consent
  • Civic Engagement
  • Sex, Gender and Sexuality

Application Process

The LEAD Course has a two-step application process to ensure the most passionate, committed and amazing 30 young women in the entire Kathmandu Valley are selected! 

  1. Submit your application by filling the form avialable at the top and bottom of this page by 27 August (10 Bhadra).
  2. The top applicants will be invited for a 30-45-minute interview with staff and alumni of the LEAD Course between 30 August-2 September (13-16 Bhadra). They will be notified via phone.

There will also be an Interaction Program on Friday, 18 August (1 Bhadra) and Thursday, 24 August (7 Bhadra) from 12-5PM at Women LEAD Nepal’s Office in Bakhundole, where interested students and their parents can interact with our staff and LEAD Course alumni.

 If you or your families have any questions about the LEAD Course or the application process, call us at 9808.484.885, or send a message to sujup@women-lead.org or our Facebook or Instagram page.