I always wanted to learn about politics, but my procrastination always obstructed me until I joined YWPLI (Young Women’s Political Leadership Institute). YWPLI is an eleven-month long program where I learned about politics and its different ideology, revolutionary movements, feminism, and the role of women in politics. I made the best choice by joining this program, as it helped me enhance myself. 

The program was not only about lectures presented by the amazing speaker but also about working with them to implement our theoretical learning. Each module of the program informed me to become a responsible human being and be empathetic to others. It brought clarity, rationality in my thought process. It refined my voice and taught me to raise my voice with pride to attack injustice. 

Meeting an incredible organizing team along with outstanding nineteen fellows made my eleven-month journey pleasant. Inclusive fellows taught me a different aspect of life and inspired me to become a better person. Through completing this program, I realized the importance of being engaged in political discourse and being mindful of my privilege.

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